SPIN aims to promote the cooperation and the creation of collaborative partnerships in the sport field, by promoting synergies between youth policies and sports with/among local, regional, national, international stakeholders. SPIN will involve in the project 14 private and public bodies from 7 countries to develop and test training and educational program of social inclusion for young people with fewer opportunities through their involvement in sports.
SPIN context: challenge of social integration of youth at the very real risk of permanent exclusion dwelling in situations of social disadvantage and/ or in foster care at the Juvenile Justice Services.The complexity of the issues affecting young people from the target group, requires the preparation of methodologies and tools for social integration arising from the collaborative strategy.
SPIN intends to address the need of an integrative model for young people in the most difficult situations, providing the opportunity to undertake the path of social reintegration through sports in an atmosphere of friendship, mutual support and security. The activities are designed to be repeatable over time, in different EU contexts and the establishment of agreements with relevant stakeholders, will inform the actors of the local context in relation to the project and the methodology.
SPIN activities: initial/final conferences; thematic tables; development/implementation of sport modules for social inclusion for youth of target groups, awareness raising and networking workshops, elaboration of Recommendations Manual.
SPIN operates foreseeing the impact: in terms of establishing long-lasting partnership in the sport and social inclusion fields; on policy makers by elaborating program for social inclusion through sports for youth from target groups; in terms of social welfare by providing innovative functional program to tackle the risk of permanent exclusion for young people of target groups.
In the meeting twelve trainers met together, discussed rules and tactics and the strategy they will follow for the kids training. In this first meeting 30 kids had to opportunity to meet with the first team of PAOK FC, receive clothing uniforms, train with them, eat with them and learn the first moves for Sala soccer game.
Final meeting – Training for 100 kids Sala soccer
The training seminar for Sala soccer for SPIN project was a great success. 100 (one hundred) boys and girls traveled by bus to Palataki – PAOK basketball arena and for 5 days they lived their dream. Kids from different areas, boys and girls, received uniforms & shoes sponsored from PAOK FC, trained and have fun. They loved the opportunity to be all together and compete as well. In the breaks kids received snacks and drinks and discussed with the trainers their questions.